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What's in the Democrat's Stimulus Bill?

As Congress debates the "stimulus" bill today, I thought you might want to see exactally what is in this bill.

Here is the actual text of the bill.  It's more than 1,000 pages, filled with hand-written edits and changes.  My good friend Tom Price of Georgia took Americans on a tour of the stimulus bill earlier today, and you can view his web-video below.

House Republicans only got the bill at 11 am last night - just over 12 hours from when we are going to vote on the legislation.  During that time, staff went through the legislation and produced this summary, which points out how Democrats reduced job-creating tax cuts to add more wasteful Washington spending.  Despite all this, the way this bill was put together means that few, if anyone, in Washington knows what is actually in H.R. 1.  As you look through the bill, I urge you to email me your concerns about specific provisions

Posted by Henry E. Brown (02-13-2009, 01:33 PM) filed under Economy